
5 Habits that will keep you FIT FOREVER



1. Sit less, move more

If your job involves sitting for 90% of your workday, you could be damaging your health without even knowing it. According to Mayo Clinic, sitting too much increases your risk for a number of conditions, especially heart disease. Even if you exercise for 30 minutes every day, spending the next eight hours or more just sitting at a desk mean those 30 minutes of fitness almost don’t count.

Ideally, you should get up and walk a few hundred steps at least every hour (it only takes a few minutes!).

2. Concentrate on your diet

Many of us struggle to control our diet, but one easy way to do so is to concentrate on the things we eat. That is, centralize your diet around a select group of foods, and only occasionally stray from your plan. U.S. News & World Report suggests constructing a diet that’s vegetable-based — not necessarily vegetarian or vegan, but heavy on the greens — and not so dependent on meats, breads, and fats.



3. Drink more water

Not drinking enough water can lead to mental and physical fatigue. Research also suggests drinking more water throughout the day can help you lose weight. Many people often confuse hunger and thirst, and end up eating more than they need to because they reach for food instead of a glass of water.


4. Drop the sugar

Sugar is linked to all kinds of negative outcomes. Your best bet is to kick the habit now and never look back. Start drinking your coffee black, your tea without any sweetener, and opt for a piece of fruit instead of having a bowl of ice cream or reaching for a Snickers.



  1. Spend time outdoors

Going outside is better for your overall health than you thought. Rodale’s Organic Life notes spending time outdoors can help improve your concentration, reduce stress and anxiety, and increase your vitamin D intake. A little fresh air, even for 15 minutes, can have a huge impact on your mood and pull you away from the stress and noise of the cramped indoors.


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