
FREE MEALS : HelloFresh



Cooking can be pretty time consuming. It takes more than just the time preparing the food – there’s also finding interesting new recipes, planning out your week’s meals, and of course buying all the ingredients you’ll need. But buying pre-prepared meals just isn’t the same as making your own home-cooked meal.

There are plenty of services which send boxes of fresh produce straight to your front door. But what happens if you don’t know what to do with it all? Meal kit delivery services like HelloFresh deliver food boxes filled with most of what you might need, in the right quantities, for you to prepare meals based on their recipes. Could HelloFresh be your secret ingredient for cooking fresh, fun, and healthy food?

What is HelloFresh?

HelloFresh aims to help make cooking more convenient by giving customers the tools they need to create healthy homemade meals. Each week, the company puts together boxes of fresh ingredients to go along with their own recipes. The packages are then delivered to major metro and rural cities across Australia.

HelloFresh first began in Germany back in 2011 and is now one of the biggest players in the rapidly growing market for fresh produce delivery services. Its menu is designed to offer new and interesting recipes that aren’t too complicated for the average home cook, with new recipes also available to keep things interesting.

How does HelloFresh work?

Each week, a delivery box is brought to your door containing ingredients for a new set of recipes. Your box will have everything you need to prepare the meals, except for any assumed pantry items (e.g. oil, salt & pepper, soy sauce, white wine vinegar, eggs, milk). Recipes are posted online a week prior, with notice given to subscribers of what ingredients are assumed to already be in your fridge or pantry. That gives you time to buy any staples you don’t yet have.

There are three types of boxes to choose from:

  • ‘Classic Box’ – comes in either three or five meal packs to feed either 2 or 4 people
  • ‘Veggie Box’ – makes three meals to feed either 2 or 4 vegetarians
  • ‘Family Box’ – makes four meals to feed 2 adults and 2-3 kids

If you’re not keen on the upcoming week’s menu, you can simply pause your subscription for a week. You’re not locked into any regular contract or subscription length, so you can make any changes or cancellations you like up until the deadline.

Does HelloFresh offer any promotions?

Existing customers can take advantage of a free delivery promotion which allows you to send boxes to friends and family for free. To be eligible, log into your account and click on the ‘Free Box’ tab located on the left-hand side of the page. A little red number inside a circle will then show how many boxes you can send. But this promotion is only available to customers who reach certain milestones.

 However, Blessing CALD will offer a promotion code for our readers which can receive the first HelloFresh meal kit FOR FREE!  This means if you get the same plan that we got you will only be paying $20 for 3 dinners for two people. How good is that?


Enter code: HS-QSFDKW3SW

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