
5 Anxiety Causing Foods To Avoid Eating



Did you know that foods can cause anxiety and anxiety like symptoms? Some of the most popular foods we enjoy might just be causing your anxiety. You won’t believe what foods make the list. In fact, you might be eating or drinking one of them right now.


1. Caffeine



Caffeine might make you feel wide awake and full of energy, but it can also lead to anxiety. First, caffeine depresses serotonin in your brain, and this makes you feel depressed and irritable. Second, caffeine makes you urinate more frequently.

This can cause dehydration, leading to depression. Third, caffeine can interfere with sleep cycles and that causes stress.

Avoid coffee, soda, and hot chocolate as much as possible. You may sleep better and won’t feel as jittery.



2. Sugar



Sugar causes anxiety as it spikes your blood sugar. Your body increases insulin production and that makes you feel tired.

Fruit juice is just as bad as soda when it comes to adding sugar immediately into your system. Once you lose fruit from fruit juice, you are drinking sugar water.

Sweets, cakes, and other treats might make you feel good while you are eating them, but afterwards, you’ll be dropped and feel anxious afterward. Do yourself a favor and try to avoid sugar.



3. Alcohol


Since alcohol is a depressant, you can expect alcohol to cause anxiety. It might make you feel temporarily better, but…. Alcohol causes insomnia. You fall asleep easily but as the alcohol wears off, sleep quality declines. You might have bad dreams or panic attacks.

Alcohol causes dehydration and that, as we know, leads to depression.

You might feel more social if you drink, but alcohol depresses serotonin levels, increasing anxiety.

Drinking won’t help your anxiety and it will make it worse.



4. Energy Drinks



How about a boost of energy with a side of depression and anxiety? Energy drinks fit that bill exactly. Loaded with caffeine, sugar, and chemicals, these drinks can cause abnormal heart rhythms and sleep issues.  Both those increase feelings of anxiety and depression.

Don’t fool yourself into thinking that artificial sugars are any better for you. Research suggests there is a link between sugar and artificial sugars and depression. Plus, artificial sweeteners make you crave calories, and the cycle continues.



5. MSG and Gluten


Gluten and MSG have been linked to anxiety in sensitive people. MSG is a gluten derivative. Gluten is found naturally in wheat products (see white flour). MSG is a flavor enhancer and is found in processed foods, Asian food, and frozen meals. Soy sauce often contains both gluten and MSG.

Researchers have found that people with untreatable anxiety respond very well to a gluten-free diet, suggesting that there is a direct correlation between the two.


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