Understand Australia

COVID-19 Fact Check



Hospitals are giving out secret prevention tips

Hospitals are not disseminating secret prevention tips to staff. The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital have all publicly refuted several viral posts attributed to them.


Drinking water prevents infection

Drinking water does not wash the virus into the stomach. While hydration is important with an infection, sipping water will not prevent infection nor will it prevent infection from spreading.

Mosquitos spread coronavirus

There is no evidence to suggest mosquitoes carry and spread COVID-19. While mosquitoes can transmit other viruses like dengue and malaria, they don’t transmit other well-known viruses like HIV and Ebola. The novel coronavirus is primarily spread by droplets produced during coughing or sneezing rather than blood. The SARS-COV-2 virus which causes COVID-19 has been found in blood samples from infected people, however there is no evidence it can spread via mosquitoes.



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