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How’s quarantine doing for people?



In Stockport, England, two teddy bears are bringing their neighbors joy with their antics.

Ted and Ed are two teddy bears that reside in the English city of Stockport. Every day, their neighbors are treated to various scenes of their lives, from camping to mowing the lawn, to relaxing with a spa day.

For essential workers, there’s no better way to spice up a job — and bring joy to people stuck at home — than dressing up in costumes, like this mailman.

Jon Matson is a mailman in Boldon, England. To entertain the people on his route, he’s taken to dressing up in different costumes, like a cheerleader, Waldo, or even Cleopatra.



The peak of quarantine humor? A boss accidentally turning on the potato filter during a call, and being unable to change it.

Lizet Ocampo, the national political director for the progressive advocacy group People For the American Way, was holding a weekly Monday morning check-in with her colleagues over Microsoft Teams when she accidentally turned on a potato filter — and was unable to change it back.


This dad is recreating Starbucks, the movie theater, and McDonald’s for his daughter inside their home — and no detail is left out.

TikTok star Mia Finney has been sharing her father’s hilarious efforts on the app, showing her dad playing every role necessary to make her experience as authentic as possible. For the movie theater, that means making her popcorn, dressing up as a movie theater attendant, checking her ticket, and even putting numbers on their seats — a full commitment.


This influencer turned a lockdown staple — the trusty blanket —into 12 separate trendy looks.

Conor McKenzie is, as Tim Gunn would say, making it work. Using just a blue blanket, he styled 12 different outfits in what he calls “blanket couture.” What started off as a joke turned into hundreds of thousands of views on Instagram.

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