Understand Australia

Moving to COVID-19 Normal



All Victorians are now united under the same COVID-19 restrictions. Premier Daniel Andrews announced the move over the weekend. 

Among key changes, the city’s border to regional Victoria and the 25-kilometre travel limit has gone.

Home visits are still limited to two adults and their dependents, but they’ve relaxed slightly to allow those adults to be from different households. They can also visit at different times.

Booking a table for dinner will become easier, with hospitality opening to allow more customers. Restaurants, hotels, cafes and bars can now host up to 40 people indoors, limited to 10 people per space. Outdoors, 70 customers are allowed, with 1.5 metre required between separate seated groups.

Arts and entertainment are reopening to allow 20 people per space in galleries, cinemas and museums. Casinos and pokie venues can reopen subject to density limits and a cap of 10 patrons per gaming room.

Indoor sports and fitness venues can open to allow 20 people at one time. This includes gyms, indoor pools, and indoor trampolining centres and non-contact sport for under 18s.



Rules surrounding religious gatherings and ceremonies have eased more. Faith gatherings at a place of worship can take place with a faith leader plus 20 people indoors and 50 indoors.

Weddings restrictions haven’t changed, but funerals can now take place with 20 people indoors and 50 outdoors. Loved ones have more freedom to visit people in care facilities and hospitals, both allowing one household to visit for two hours. Hairdressers can also visit care facilities. Those heading on holiday this summer can now book accommodation, but guest limits apply.

Members of a single house and two other adults from other households and their dependents can book together, or intimate partners. 


There are some rules that have not changed.

Face masks must still be worn whenever leaving home, unless there is a legal reason not to. Gatherings in public spaces are still only allowed for 10 people from any number of households, masks must be worn. This could include meeting at parks or beaches. If you can work from home then continue to do so.

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