Message from the Publisher

What is Covid Normal?



Dear Readers,

Victoria is now over 31 days with no new infection. Theoretically, Victoria can be said to have eliminated the coronavirus, but we are no longer back to normal. We are entering a Covid normal stage, very different from other states.

We need not wear a mask outside however, we have to bring one at hand and use it when we are indoor. When at work, shopping or on public transport, we need to have the mask on. It is recommended that a mask should be on when visitors come to your home. 75% of the workforce still need to work from home. Obviously, a new mode of office operation will become the new normal.

Group meetings with a limit of 50 people are allowed. Ceremonies including wedding, funerals and religious worships with at most 150 people allowed inside a building. Public markets are allowed with the masks on and large events need a Covidsafe plan. Also, government QR code will need to be scanned in entering a venue so that contact tracing is possible and standardized.


Other than this, the social distancing of 1.5m must be maintained. This is essential to lower the chance of getting infected through personal contact. When entering a restaurant, take your temperature and use the sanitizer to wipe your hands frequently. Of course, cover your mouth (with your elbow) when you are sneezing and coughing.

More important is to get tested with any symptom observed, and isolated until the test result is cleared. Fortunately, most test results will be returned within 24 hours. Those who have no sick leave will be paid to stay isolated at home.

I think until most people are vaccinated, this is the lifestyle we need to have. This Covid Normal state will probably last until at least mid next year.

Yes, the virus seemed to have been eliminated. But this is NOT true. The virus is still here.

It can be imported from new entrants into Victoria. It can be un-noticed and affecting people with no symptom. It can come back any time through just one person who is not careful enough.

Covid normal simply means trying our best to keep ourselves safe and protect others from possibly infected by us.



Raymond Chow
Publisher, Blessing CALD

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