Understand the World

7 Aussie Christmas traditions we all love



From backyard cricket to lunches by the beach, Christmas in Australia is undoubtedly special and has its own unique flavour.


Surfing Santa

 In Australia, it’s summer at Christmas time so you’re much more likely to see a boardshort-wearing Santa on a surfboard.

Eating prawns

While our British and American friends are feasting on roast turkey, baked potato and hot chocolate, us Aussies are packing up the Esky for a picnic or setting up folding tables to eat outside. Most families in Australia will send someone to do a ‘prawn run’ in the morning.

Street parties

It’s summer in December in Australia, so street parties are very popular. Sometimes in the evening on Christmas Day, impromptu street parties happen. Most people visit relatives on Christmas Day so the streets are full of families and kids.

Boxing Day barbecues

Boxing day, the day after Christmas, is traditionally another day of celebration with family. It’s another public holiday for most Australians so it’s a great time to relax, soak up the festivities and, perhaps after a little too much indulgence the day before, start on the post-Christmas diet.

Festive road trips

Depending on where your family lives, Christmas Day may involve a long road trip. It’s an accidental tradition at best, but lots of Aussie families’ Christmas celebrations include a drive with the kids jammed together in the back seat.

Carols by candlelight

Most cities in Australia host their own Carols by Candlelight and there will usually be a few celebrity performers. Proceeds from the performance are usually donated to a charity.

Christmas lunch

If we believe everything we see on television, it would appear that most Christmas meals happen at dinner time. Not in Australia – we’re mostly Christmas lunch people.

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