Message from the Publisher

Message from the Publisher #17 – BACK TO NORMAL?



Dear Readers,

Back to normal?

The covid-19 virus has been suppressed in Australia and in particular, eliminated in Tasmania (at over 117 days with no new case) and Victoria (at 38 days with no new case). On Sunday Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews announced masks no longer be mandatory except in shopping centres and public transport. So are we back to normal now?

Not yet. Premier Daniel Andrews said that Victorians still need to carry a mask when outside and exercise common sense in using it whenever we cannot exercise social distancing. Anyone with symptom should immediately have a test, self-isolation until the result is returned (usually within 24 hours). Large group gatherings including religious services have no limit on attendance except to follow the 2 squared metres rule. Cleaning, signage, and record-keeping requirements will need to be followed with the official government QR code to be scanned whenever entering a venue.

Different states still impose permit and quarantine requirements for entrants from some other states. Two German visitors arrived from Tokyo at Sydney on Sunday had been able to avoid the mandatory quarantine and boarded the flight to Melbourne leading to self-isolation of all other domestic passengers demonstrated that the threat of Covid-19 virus is still existing among us, even though everyone wants to be back to normal.


Are you still reluctant to go outside for shopping? Or are you still not feeling safe to visit your friends or family? Are you still working from home even though you need to delay a lot of the meetings with others? Or you are struggling to plan your next overseas trip as most parts of the outside world are still plagued with bursts of Covid-19? And of course, you may experience mental stress and feel lonely, scared of getting sick, or insecure anytime?

Perhaps this is the new “normal” that we are all moving towards.

Yes, the vaccine for Covid-19 is near. The British and Americans will start having it this week. The Australians will probably start by March. However, we know that majority of us will only have the vaccine probably until six months later.

Covid normal will be a time of waiting and alert, and BlessingCALD will bring to you hope.



Raymond Chow, Publisher

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