
How to set up home office quickly and efficiently



The best way to set up your home office is to first find a room where you can focus without distraction while receiving as much natural light as possible. Next, think carefully about what you absolutely need to get your work done. We recommend a laptop, a larger monitor, a keyboard, and a mouse, at minimum.

To set up your small home office, start by considering carefully which area of your home could remain dedicated to your work. Ideally, you want a place where you can leave your work all day long and not have to remove it to make room to eat, for example.

For a home office, you need a space in your home to set up your workspace, a computer, and a strong internet connection. Everything else depends on the kind of work that you do. Our preference is to invest in a setup with a laptop, a larger monitor, a keyboard, and a mouse, at minimum.

You should put your home office in a room that is quiet and exposed to natural light. If you can, dedicate an entire room to be used for your home office so you can set up a large desk.

To organize your home office, start by thinking carefully about what you absolutely need on your desk to be productive on a daily basis. Make a list of the items you need and start building up your home office with the larger items first, such as your desk, chair, and monitor. Then incrementally optimize your space for your comfort.


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