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No more quarantine – Once vaccinated, quarantine after traveling will be no longer necessary



Is it necessary is to quarantine after your bucket-list vacation or visit to family if you’re fully vaccinated?

If you’ve been around someone who has COVID-19, you do not need to stay away from others or get tested unless you have symptoms.

Dr. Carlos del Rio, a distinguished professor of medicine at Emory University in the US, agreed that quarantining might not be necessary, but he said he encourages testing before, during, and after traveling. 

He said vaccinated travelers should get a test a few days before the trip, four to five days after you arrive at a destination, and once again when you get back home.

What you do on your trip affects your need to quarantine 

What you’re doing when you travel matters more than your vaccination status.



You have some freedom when you’re in private residences with other vaccinated people (or with a single household of low-risk, unvaccinated folks), but you should mask up and social distance if you’re out in public at a restaurant, for instance.

Vaccinated travelers should continue to avoid crowds and indoor dining. For example, travelers to opt for a park or museum over an indoor bar or concert. 

Avoiding crowds, wearing a mask, and social distancing will make your trip safer and ultimately reduce your need to quarantine.

it’s best to be conscious if traveling with a partially vaccinated group people to think about their family or household when assessing the need to travel. If you’re coming back from a trip to a household that includes vaccinated and unvaccinated people, it might be best to quarantine. 

Taking time to quarantine if you’re traveling with a partially vaccinated group.

As more people get vaccinated, destinations are beginning to adjust their quarantine rules, but travelers should still follow local quarantine guidelines when arriving at a destination or returning home from a trip.


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