Message from the Publisher

CALD media can do more



With 283 new cases on Monday, there is no sign of Delta being contained in Sydney. For Melbourne, the sudden sixth lockdown since last Thursday followed by a surge of 29 cases on Saturday had poured cold water to the hope of Melburnians for a re-opening of the city in the coming Thursday. It is clear that we are still fighting a hard battle with Delta Covid-19 and we have not yet won.

In a meeting with the premier of Victoria Daniel Andrews last Thursday, the premier emphasized that without achieving 70% or 80% of the Victorian population vaccinated, lockdown is the only way we could fight against Delta. Evidence suggests that CALD communities are the least informed and most misinformed about vaccination in Australia. Promoting, educating, marketing and mobilizing CALD communities to receive the vaccine will become the key to Victoria and Australia to win this battle. Daniel Andrews believed that CALD media could act as the network not just to deliver information but also facilitate this to happen.

CALD media, no matter in English like BlessingCALD or in different languages, help new migrants to understand and integrate into the mainstream. They are in particular targeted at those who do not grow up in Australia. They present a more diverse worldview and echo the struggle experienced by those who are new to Australia. It is in this supportive role that they speak to their readers. Information provided by CALD media will reach to the migrant audience much easier. As a result, CALD media need to promote the key messages clearly to its readers.

Some of these messages will include:

“Vaccine is safe, effective and free.”

“Vaccinate to protect yourself, family, friends, community and Australia.”

“Vaccinate to prevent lockdown.”

“Vaccinate for Australia to move towards normal”

These messages suggest that it is not just a personal matter to receive a vaccine, but also a matter of community and societal benefits for everybody to be vaccinated.



Raymond Chow

Publisher, BlessingCALD

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