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5 tips for high-performance productivity



1  Start by gaining energy

High-performance productivity is fuelled by positive energy. So make sure some form of exercise is in your weekly routine. Doesn’t need to be every day but certainly every other for any genuine effect. Energy building activities will ensure that you’re priming for your best day.


2  Establish a routine

Rise at about 6 am every day, regardless of how late have worked the day before. These activities set up for the day; they are the foundations of a successful day. Coffee and food essential and it means you can focus on the tasks ahead of you.


3  Start with challenging tasks first

The most positive way to start my day is to tackle anything significant straight off the bat. I’ve always found that if you put tricky conversations off, concentrating on other tasks is made near impossible.


4  Learn to say no

The biggest high-performance productivity drain of all time is superfluous meetings, calls and emails. Avoid having meetings for meeting’s sake. Saying ‘no’ is essential to establish boundaries with your time, and shows respect to other resources too.


5  Poor Sleep = Poor Performance 

Sleeping well is the (not so) secret sauce to having an extremely productive life. For those who struggle with sleep, there are fantastic resources and guides to help you to change. Napping has also been proven to help with cognitive repair something we can all agree we’d like to achieve.



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