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5 tips to maintain a healthier work-life balance



1  Time management lessons

Most of the time, the feeling of piled-up work and being overwhelmed comes with poor time management skills. This is the time when we realize the importance of the to-do list, be it for home chores or office tasks, along with allocating a time range for specific tasks.


2  A big no-no to procrastination


The workload can be overburdening. You need to say no to procrastination and divide the projects into small sub-tasks. Complete one task, reward yourself for it, and then move on to the next.


3  Things to remember


Maintain a balance, no matter how important work or relationships are, but health should always be the top priority. Try to keep yourself away from technology and just spend some time pursuing your passion or any activity that gives you happiness and peace which would help you to refresh your mind and body.


4  Expand your network

One of the best ways to relieve your stress is by spending time with your family and friends. Being in the company of your loved ones will help you to fight against stress and other mental health issues.


5  The to-do list is a must


Completing work before the deadline gives you an extended feeling of control and fulfillment. Hence, while working, make a ‘to-do list’ and prioritize your work effectively. Always keep your focus on completing the important tasks.


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