Message from the Publisher

Covid-Normal at a Post Covid-19 society



The booster is now ready for those fully vaccinated for six months and over. It is now clear that vaccines will not provide once and for all everlasting protection. So, Covid-19 will be with us. Vaccination becomes part of our lives. Instantly test for Covid-19 are now available in the supermarket. Pills to cure Covid-19 will become popular. Masks will become popular for those infected with the virus to protect others.

Checking in apps and proofs of vaccination will be needed at this moment to enter the public venues and attend events. We do not know how social distancing and other measures will be implemented and for how long. We are still adjusting how the society will be running in a Covid-normal state. What we shall do in travelling around from one country to another and what quarantine measures will be needed? So, the whole world is learning to cope with this new post-Covid state.

One thing is clear. This is a war with the virus in which information (and disinformation) plays an important role. CALD communities are especially neglected in this war and we have suffered a lot. Research in Australia suggested that migrants born overseas have a mortality rate more than twice that of locally born Australians. It is in this context that the governments should recognize that more efforts should be spent in connecting CALD communities with information.

Mainstream media should adjust and become more appealing to new migrants. Mass media can no longer pretend that everyone in Australia is born locally and should spend greater efforts to invite new migrants as the audience. On the other hand, media that is migrant-friendly like BlessingCALD can play a special role in helping new migrants to “learn” to be Australian.

Besides Covid news, BlessingCALD will be providing content about a lifestyle that will enrich the lives of new migrants. BlessingCALD will be with you and offer a channel for you to understand Australia more. Help us to do better in this job by introducing your friends to subscribe BlessingCALD and be our readers.


Raymond Chow,   Publisher



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