Message from the Publisher

Vaccines and cures for Covid-19



There is much good news in fighting the war with Covid-19.

Vaccines prepare people for the attack of the virus and lower the possible casualty and help to slow the spread. At this moment about half of the world population has received at least one dose of the vaccines.

Australia is now starting the booster dose program rollout for the most vulnerable groups and the public who have had the second dose for more than 6 months are also able to receive the booster. Children less than 12 years old are experimenting with a smaller dose of Pfizer vaccine and full-scale vaccination rollout will start early next year. The infected figures in NSW and Victoria are diminishing while opening up of the cities continues seems to provide comfort and a sense of safety to many Australians.

While developed countries like Australia are focusing on the third dose, most developing countries are still struggling with few vaccines available. WHO has clearly stated at the beginning of the pandemic last year that the war with Covid-19 will never be won unless the whole world is vaccinated. Developed countries like Australia have pledged to donate vaccines to those who cannot afford the vaccines but up to now, not many have yet been sent out.

India is the biggest producer of vaccines for the COVAX program. With the burst of the Delta strain in May, India has stopped the export of vaccines for months. Up to now, only one-quarter of the promised donations through COVAX has been sent out. Greater efforts should be made to help not just Australians but also others around the world in order that the world will become normal again.

It is also good news that different cures now come to the focus of the world. In this issue, we brought to you various new drugs that will soon be used to treat Covid-19. It is hoped that their cost can be reduced to an extent that they can be used by the whole world in this war with the Covid-19 virus.


Raymond Chow

Publisher, BlessingCALD


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