Message from the Publisher

Freedom has a Price



It is quite clear that with booster vaccinations and the Northern hemisphere entering summer, the Covid-19 infection in Asia, Europe and America is subdued. Australians on the other hand are trying to go back to normal leaving Covid-19 in the past, have greater movement and practically no restriction and slackening of public protective measures, together with the coming of winter, is seeing a surge in infected cases. Last week, we recorded the highest per capita infection in the whole world.

Epidemiologists warned that the Covid virus is still active in Australia. The recent increase in the number of Covid deaths is alarming and reminds society that freedom has a price. Those aged and infected still were dying, even though they might have been vaccinated. Those over 65, they should prepare for the winter by taking the fourth dose of the Covid vaccine together with the flu vaccine to give the greatest protection.

Yes, we do not want restrictions in our daily lives Our high vaccination rate together with the mild symptom of Omicron has made people complacent. Some will fail to observe the routine protective measures including wearing masks in high-risk areas or use of sanitisers in public areas. We have forgotten that over 4000 Covid deaths have happened in the first four months of 2022 which was more than the total Covid deaths in 2020 and 2021 together. The message is very clear: Covid threat is still there.

The government should continue to promote public health and protection among the communities. Wearing a mask should not be discriminated against. We should respect others’ choice of wearing masks. There may be family members who are severely immunocompromised and cannot be protected by vaccines. Many people reported that they are stigmatised for wearing a mask in a public area. This is not acceptable.

We want more freedom but to protect others in society, we should be up-to-date vaccinated and have appropriate protective measures when needed to protect others.


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