
5 tips on saving at the supermarket



  1. Get better value by comparing unit prices

Unit prices break down the cost of a product into standard units of measurement, such as per 100 grams, and let you compare different products more easily. So look beyond the headline price of an item and see where you could be getting better value by comparing unit prices between different brands or different packet sizes.


  1. Switch to supermarket-brand products

Our tests have found that supermarket homebrand products have improved in quality in recent years, occasionally even outdoing national brands in taste tests. The even better news is that our latest basket survey found possible savings of up to 40% when shoppers switched to these products.


  1. Grab specials as they come up

Our supermarket surveys found very little price difference between the big retailers, meaning switching between them when each offers specials could go a long way in helping you save.


  1. Look for product refills

More retailers are now selling products that can be refilled, which means you can save money and reduce the amount of environmental waste you produce. 


  1. Avoid pre-cut food items

We’ve found that some pre-cut fruit and vegetables can cost up to five times as much per kilo as the unprocessed originals, not to mention leaving you with more plastic to get rid of.


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